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Kids Games

Chairperson: Ashley Sears


11:15 AM – Mini Prince/Princess, Portable Stage
1:00 PM - Three Legged Race, Ring #2
2:00 PM – Farmer Olympics, Ring #2
3:00 PM – Musical Hay Bales, Ring #2
4:00 PM – Milking Contest, Ring #2*
5:00 PM – Egg Toss, Ring #1

11:15 AM – Mini Prince/Princess, Portable Stage
1:00 PM – Costume Parade, Ring #2
2:30 PM – Mini Pie Eating, Ring #2*
3:00 PM – Double Beach Ball, Ring #2
4:00 PM - Milking Contest, Ring #2*
5:00 PM – Egg Toss, Ring #1

11:15 AM – Mini Prince/Princess Contest, Portable Stage
12:00 PM – Mooing Contest, Ring #2

12-4 PM - Bella (Balloon Artist), 1:00 PM – Obstacle Race, Ring #2

3:00 PM – Potato Sack Race, Ring #2
4:00 PM – Milking Contest, Ring #2*
5:00 PM – Egg Toss, Ring #1

10:00 AM – Pedal Tractor Pull, Ring #2
1:00 PM – Water Balloon Toss, Ring #2
3:00 PM – Junior Pie Eating, Ring #2*
4:00 PM – Milking Contest, Ring #2*
5:00 PM – Egg Toss, Ring #1

1:00 PM – Corn Shucking Contest, Ring #2
2:00 PM – Senior Pie Eating Contest, Portable Stage*
3:00 PM – Milking Contest, Ring #2*
4:00 PM – Egg Toss, Ring #1

* Requires Pre-Registration, to be held ONE (1) HOUR before event.

Milking Contests

Pre-register one (1) hour prior to event)
Limited to 16 Participants and 4 alternates

The milking contest is for boys and girls ages 7 – 12 that have never milked any type of animal before. Any participant known to have milked any type of animal before will be disqualified upon arrival. If a child is not at the event on time, an alternate may be called upon. There are 4 classes. The participant that can get the most milk into their bottle the quickest will remain in the ring for a final round. The final round is made up of the four participants that won their class. There the judges will pick out 1st through 4th. Awards will be given.

Egg Toss

The egg toss is open for boys and girls, men & women of all ages. The participants will need a partner. All participants will be called into the ring when the contest begins. All teams must line up facing each other in the center of the ring.

Each team will receive one egg. The judge will tell the teams when to throw and when to take a step backwards. As the eggs break, the teams need to exit the ring on the outside of the other participants – not through the middle. When there are three teams left, they will toss until there is only one team left with an egg. That team will be our 1st place team; the other teams will be awarded 2nd and 3rd.

Three-Legged Race

The three legged race is for boys and girls ages 5 – 8 and 9 – 12. A team of two is needed for this contest. The team’s legs will be tied together with a piece of cloth. A starting line will be set up to keep the participants behind and in order until the race has begun. The first tree teams to finish in both age groups will be awarded 1st through 3rd place ribbons.

Golf Putting

Golf putting is for boys and girls ages 5 – 8 & 9 – 12. The contest is run similar to a miniature golf game but with only one hole. The participant will have as many strikes as it will take to get the ball in the hole. The participant with the least amount of strokes in each age group will be awarded 1st through 3rd place. In case of a tie there will be a putt off. The one with the least amount of strokes to put the ball in the hole will break the tie. If the tie still remains, the participant will get one chance to put the ball in the hole. The closest ball to the hole will be the tie breaker.

Costume Parade

The costume parade is for boys and girls ages 3 – 4, 5 – 6, and 7 – 9. Each age will compete within their age group. The prizes are for the Prettiest, Most Original and Most Horrible. The participants will be judged by applause from the audience, and they will be judged by judges, not related to the participants.

Mini Pie Eating Contest

Pre-register one (1) hour Prior to Event
Limited to 12 Participants and 4 Alternates

The Mini Pie eating contest is for boys and girls ages 7 – 12. The participants will stand or sit with their hands behind their back. There will be a small table-size blueberry pie in front of them. The participants may not use their hands, or any other part of their body to get the pie into their mouth. The first three participants to finish will be awarded 1st through 3rd place.

Double Beach Ball Race

The beach ball race is for boys and girls ages 5-8 and 9-12. This contest will consist of teams of two. The teams need to stand back to back. A beach ball will be placed between them. There will be no use of hands. The team will begin at a designated starting point and finish at a designated finishing point. This is a timed event, the three teams from each age group with the lowest time will be awarded 1st through 3rd place.

Mooing Contest

Pre-registration 15 minutes prior to event, on the porch of Country Store
Age Groups: 1 – 3yrs, 4 – 6 yrs, 7 – 9yrs and 10-12yrs.

Come up and give us your best “moooooooo”!. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded to the winners of each age group. There will be a grand champion winner out of the four 1st place winners. Sponsored by Rhody Fresh, you don’t want to miss this event. There will be free milk, milk mustaches, bracelets and other prizes to all children who participate.

Obstacle Race

Pre-registration 15 minutes prior to event, on the porch of Country Store
The obstacle race is for boys and girls ages 5 – 8 and 9 – 12. This is a timed event. The three shortest times from each age group will be awarded 1st through 3rd place.

Individual Sack Contest

Pre-register one (1) hour Prior to Event
Limited to 12 Participants and 4 Alternates
The Individual Sack Race is for boys and girls ages 5 – 8 and 9 – 12.

Pedal Tractor Pull Contest

Pre-registration not required

This contest is open to boys and girls ages 2 – 7. each age will have their own class. There will also be a “Free for all” class made up of the first place winner in each age group. All contestants will be allowed two attempts to pull the transfer sled the furthest distance with a specified weight load. Your feet may not hit the ground once you have started to pull. After all contestants have made their attempts with the initial weight on the sled, additional weight will be added to the transfer sled. All contestants that qualified in the first round will again attempt to pull the sled the furthest distance in two attempts. The winner in each class will be the contestant that pulls the heaviest weight the furthest distance.

Awards: Rosettes to the first three winners in each age group and ribbons to the next three winners. There will be a trophy for the “Free for all” class. Participant ribbons will be awarded to all other contestants.

Junior Pie Eating Contest

Pre-registration one (1) hour prior to event
Limited to 12 participants and 4 alternates

The junior pie eating contest is for boys and girls ages 13 – 17. The participants will stand with their hands behind their backs. Each participant will have ½ of a full size pie in front of them. They must eat all of the pie using only their mouths (No hands or other body parts are to be used to help). The first three participants to finish all the pie will be awarded 1st through 3rd place.

Mini Prince and Princess Contest

Chair Person - Kelly McGrory

  1. Applicants must be between the ages of 5-7.
  2. This event is limited to 50 contestants (25 females and 25 males).
  3. This event requires pre-registration.
  4. Pre-registration will take place one hour prior to the event at the Fair Office.
  5. Contestants will be asked to draw a picture of the Fair and to explain what the Fair means to them. Crayons and paper will be provided.
  6. Winners will be judged on personality and Fair enthusiasm.
  7. Decisions of the judges are final.
  8. The Mini Prince and Princess will be encouraged to participate in other Children’s day events.
  9. Contest will be held on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 11:15, on the Portable Stage. Winners will only “reign” on the day of their contest.

The Mini Prince And Princess Will Each Receive A Crown, Ride Bracelet And Cash Prize. Contest Winners From A Previous Day Will Not Be Eligible To Particiapte Again In The Contest. All Children Must Be Accompanied By An Adult At All Times.

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