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Grange Exhibits

The 2024 Grange Exhibit theme is "Agriculture Strong...In our Communities"

Rules & Regulations

  1. Each Grange must fill out and return a registration card before setting up their exhibit.
  2. The Exhibit will occupy a 4x5 foot area.
  3. Exhibits may contain home grown fruit, vegetables and farm products, canned goods, and any non perishable product that comes from RI’s aquaculture economy. Perishable goods may not be used and fresh cut flowers are also prohibited. Potted flowering plants may be used in your display (please water when putting up your exhibit). Eggs will also be allowed. All products must be grown or produced by Grange members of the exhibiting Grange and their family members.
  4. Exhibits will be set up by 8:00 PM on Monday before Fair

Group #1- Pomona Granges
Group #2- Subordinate Granges
Group #3- Junior Grange and/or +1 Junior Grange

A. Arrangement in relation to theme – 30%
B. General appearance of entire exhibit – 25%
C. Quality of Products Displayed – 25%
D. Variety of product displayed – 20%

Pomona: 1st $60.00, 2nd $50.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $30.00
Subordinate: 1st $60.00, 2nd $50.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $30.00
Junior: 1st $60.00, 2nd $50.00, 3rd $40.00, 4th $30.00


Joanne Jordan: 401-364-9410
Kris Bell: 401-316-0877

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