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4-H Exhibit Hall

Superintendent: Kristy Horan
Assistant: Haylee Balme

Telephone: 401-874- 2959


ONLINE ENTRY by August 1st:

Rules & Regulations

  1. SETUP: All exhibits must be set up between 1:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. on Monday, two days before the fair starts. If this is a hardship, contact the 4-H Office by August 5th to make alternative drop off arrangements. Late entries run the risk of not being judged.
  2. PICKUP: Premiums will be given out starting at 7:30 P.M. Exhibits can be picked up from 8-8:30pm on Sunday or Monday from 5-6pm. Exhibits cannot be removed from the building before 8:00 PM on Sunday, the last day of the Fair. Exhibitors may designate another person to pick-up their exhibits, just make sure they have a list of all items they need to pick up.
  3. All other rules are listed in the RI Guidelines for 4-H Exhibits. Please take note, all space allowances and total number of allowable entries listed on this document take precedent over those printed in the 4-H Exhibit Guidelines.
  4. Clover bud exhibits will be accepted but are not judged and will all receive a green ribbon. Clover bud exhibits must fit into one of the listed categories or classes.
  5. Theme or Topic exhibits (Individual or club) must not exceed 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide.
  6. Final decision on any questions to do with exhibits rests with the 4-H staff.
  7. Hosts and Hostesses: 4-H members/parents/volunteers will be scheduled to greet the public at the 4-H building during the fair and will receive passes for those days. There are 58 hours of scheduling for the Exhibit Hall, all available help is needed. The sign up for shifts will be emailed to the 4-H email list a few weeks before the fair.


SINGLE ITEM EXHIBITS: 1 item made, grown or produced by the 4-Her.
301001 Single Item Art- Limit of 5 exhibits entered into this class per person.
301002 Single Item All Other- Limit of 5 exhibits entered into this class per person.

THEME EXHIBITS: An eye-catching display of at least 5 items made or grown by the 4-Her with a theme on a Poster or Tri-Fold. Colorful fabric and other materials can be used to emphasize the theme and accentuate the items to be judged.
302001 Art Theme- any theme with art items. Limit 1 exhibit/person in this class.
302002 All Other Theme- any theme exhibit not art. Limit 1 exhibit/person in this class.

TOPIC EXHIBITS: An exhibit that does one or more of the following: teaches or informs, shows how to do or make something or tells a story. Topic exhibits have backboards and items in front of the backboards, posters are flat on standard poster board.
303001 Individual Topic Exhibit -Limit 1 exhibit/person in this class.
303002 Poster Art- Must be a 4-H recruitment theme- Limit 1 exhibit/person in this class.

CLUB EXHIBITS: Exhibited by at least 4 members of the same club. Themes must have 10 items for club themes.
304001 Club Topic Exhibit
304002 Club Theme Exhibit
304003 Club Banner


  1. The following special exhibits are open to individuals only.
  2. Limit of one entry per person in each of the following categories.
  3. Prizes for these special exhibits (305001, 305002, 305003): 1st – $10, 2nd – $5, 3rd – $3.

305001 Know Your Animal Contest
1. Topic type exhibit to explain to the public.  All there is to know about the care of an animal before it reaches the table or old age – includes housing, feed, care, and disease prevention and veterinary care.
2. Prizes: 1st – $10.00, 2nd – $5.00, 3rd – $3.00
3. Poster or Trifold board required

305002 Bountiful Harvest
1. A collection of garden produce attractively displayed in a container you choose.
2. Will be judged on: Quality – 75 points; Arrangements – 25 points.
3. May include canning, jams, jellies, and pickles if grown by the exhibitor.

305003 Floral Design
1. Live foliage with Natural Materals and Otherwmda
2. Exhibitors should list a title or theme for the arrangement along with the names of the flowers and greens used on an index card.

305004 Mini Landscapes
1. Live foliage - Natural materials and other materials are used to represent a landscape in a 2'x2' box.
2. Must depict a landscape with at least 25% of the area covered by plants. You can use accessories, battery powered ONLY (lights and electrical)
3. Most include a diagram with at least 5 plants labeled.


Ribbons will be awarded to each entry. Best of Show ribbons maybe awarded at the judge’s discretion. Unless otherwise noted premiums are as follows.
Club Exhibits: 1st Place =$10.00 2nd Place = $7.00, 3rd Place = $5.00
Individual Exhibits: 1st Place =$5.00 2nd Place = $3.00, 3rd Place = $2.00
Clover buds will receive $5 for participating.

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