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Royalty Contests


Meghan Sears

Queen & Princess Rules

  1. Applicants must be a resident of Washington County, RI, or a member of a RI Grange or a member of a RI 4-H or FFA Club/Chapter.
  2. The Princess contest is for girls 14-16 years of age.
  3. The Queen contest is for young women 17-21 years of age.
  4. Wear a floor length dress, or age appropriate formal attire for the judging and announcement of winners.
  5. Contestants must be unmarried and have no children.
  6. The chosen Princess is not eligible for further competition until she is 17 years of age. The chosen Queen is no longer eligible for competition.
  7. Two runners-up will be chosen in each category.
  8. The Queen and Princess MUST ATTEND at least five hours per day for each day of fair. Dress will be appropriate and in good taste.
  9. The Queen and Princess MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by an escort while on the fairgrounds.
  10. The application must be mailed to Chair or will be accepted at rehearsal.
  11. Rehearsal: The Saturday before Fair at 3:00pm at Richmond Grange Hall in West Kingston, RI. This is a requirement for instructions and the deadline to accept applications. Contestants must attend.
  12. Judging: The Sunday before Fair at 3:00pm at Richmond Grange Hall. All contestants must be there no later than 2:30 P.M., and are required to stay until all judging is complete.
  13. Announcement of Winners: The winners will be announced on Wednesday (first night of fair) on the main stage at Washington County Fairgrounds. All contestants must attend.
If either winner fails to meet her obligations, she will relinquish her title to her first runner-up. Contestants will be judged on poise, personality, grooming, speaking ability and contest application. All judges scores are final. Further details and applications may be obtained from and returned to the chairperson listed above.


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