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Volunteer Opportunities

Our 100% volunteer-run organization is made up of a diverse group of doctors, accountants, plumbers, electricians, builders and people from all different professions who volunteer their time to make the fair come together. If you would like to participate as a Grange member or Fair volunteer, the welcome mat is always out!

Get involved with the Grange today by joining one of the Washington County Pomona Granges:

  • Richmond Grange #6
  • Hope Valley Grange & Community Center #7
  • Exeter Grange #12
  • Perryville Grange #14
  • Slocum Grange #36
  • Ashaway Grange #50

Team Orange

If you would like to volunteer with Team Orange and assist with stage security, vehicle escorts, and grounds clean up please contact fair committee member Nicole Ohneck at 401-207-3053.

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